Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Draftback (Extension)

Play Back Your Google Docs
Draftback renders a play back recording of the revision history in any Google Doc you can edit. It's like going back in time to look over your own shoulder as you write. Once the Draftback extension has been added to your Google Docs, the Draftback tab will appear. Once the tab is clicked rendering will begin.

Draftback lets you see the history revision in a new way. 
You can also extract any part of a doc's playback and embed it on the web. 
Educational Application: This is a useful tool for students to learn about ones' own writing process. They have the ability to see the document's history on a keystroke basis and it allows students to become more self aware of their writing style.

For a list of all Apps and Extensions that have been whitelisted in Parkway,