Friday, November 4, 2016

Alice Keeler Classroom Side-by-Side Split (Extension)

This split screen extension allows you to right click on any link and open the destination URL on the right side of the screen.

This split screen extension allows you to right click on any link and choose "Open Side by Side" to open the destination URL on the right side of the screen. The current window will be resized to occupy the left side of the screen. This Chrome extension is useful to anyone needing side by side windows. The right click functionality makes it quick to view a website without leaving the current page.

Educational Application:
This extension is useful for teachers to view student work side by side with the web based gradebook. Google Classroom users can use the extension by right clicking on student work attached. Student work is displayed to the right of the grading screen in Google Classroom, making it easy to leave students a score and a feedback comment. Students can use the extension to view their work side by side with the assignment directions. Students right click on their Google Documents attached in Google Classroom to open their work to the right of the Google Classroom instructions.  By Alice Keeler visit

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