So, for the next few weeks, every day you will find a new Chrome app or extension highlighted on this site. Take what makes sense for you or that you need and leave the rest. You will always be able to go back and find other things when you're ready.
All that being said, what, you might ask, is an Chrome app or extension and where do I get them. Here's a brief explanation.
Chrome Apps can be accessed in two ways.
On a laptop:
- Open the Chrome browser and look for the "Apps" button in the upper left hand corner.
- When you click on it, you will see a list of all Apps that you have installed on your account listed there.
- If you don't see the "Apps" button, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select "Bookmarks" and then "Show bookmarks bar". The apps button should show up as long as you are logged in with your "" Google account.
- Click in the lower left corner or hit the "Search" key.
Extensions - Extensions are a little different. Extensions are little programs that run and add additional functionality in to your browser. There are many possibilities and we'll explore these over the next few weeks. Depending on what the extension does, most of the time, you will find them right beside your search box at the top of the screen on the right.
For a list of all Apps and Extensions that have been whitelisted in Parkway, visit
All Apps and Extensions can be installed from the Chrome Webstore which you will find on your list of installed apps.
We hope that you will find the information shared here over the next few weeks to be helpful and enlightening. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact any of those listed below. Thanks and enjoy the next few weeks of Apps and Extensions.
For a list of all Apps and Extensions that have been whitelisted in Parkway, visit